
Visit Me at WordPress

Come visit me at WordPress. I will be blogging over there for the rest of the month. I have decided that this is the only way for me to decide if I like it enough to switch.

Thanks for your patience!




RAVELRY . Wow! That is about the only word I can think of to describe it! It is everything everyone said it would be.

And membership finally comes to me after spending 3 days camping with girlfriends!. Just in time since part of my camping time was dedicated to solitude and prayer. I had lots of time to evaluate many things in my life and one of the areas was knitting. I came to the conclusion that I need more focused direction and organization in my knitting!
I hadn't planned to evaluate this area of my life but after I casually mentioned to my non-knitting friends that I had four sweaters on the sticks that needed to be finished this year the look on their faces alone and their SILENCE (when are women ever silent?) quickly convinced me it was time to examine this area. I felt like some crazed, obsessed knitting fiend who never finishes anything. I didn't digress still further by mentioning all my OTHER WIP and UFO's to them. I could have but did not!

The sad thing was when I got home and made a list of all the sweaters I have purchased yarn for -- lets just say, there were far more than FOUR sweaters, my friends!

Ahh-well, friends are good to us and love us despite our idiosyncrasies don't they? And THAT is a very good thing or some of us in knitting-blogger-land would be committed to mental institutions.
Ravelry seems to be the unorganized knitter's answer. And, I fear, it will also become the conscience of all of us as well. At least for me it will be. It is awesome! Check it out!