
Blogger vs WordPress

Someone left a comment telling me that they, too, wanted to reply to people leaving comments on their Blogger blog. Their solution was to install Haloscan on Blogger to remedy this. I really like this idea and am going to give it a try before making my final decision about switching to WordPress.

I have been playing with WordPress all weekend and am not sure I want to 'grow' through another learning curve. I think I would rather be knitting! There are pros and cons with each provider that I am weighing but, to me, Blogger seems easier to use.

In knitting news, I am busy working on my RED Central Park Hoodie (Project Spectrum) and my Colorado Trekking Adventure socks. I am thoroughly enjoying re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird and will be posting some thoughts on that later this week.

Here is a peek at my 'Cabin Themed' sock..................

Hufflepuff socks for the Hogwarts Sock Swap are finished and ready to be sent by owl to my Hogwarts Pal. It is nice to have them off the needles. Speaking of socks, have you guys seen Kathy's cool Sidewinder Socks? I'm itching to give them a try!