
Baby Dale Sweater ALMOST Crosses Finish Line!

After missing the deadline of my great-niece's first birthday, the Baby Dale Yoke sweater has languised away in a basket. Actually, I don't think it was the deadline that made me put her aside but a buttonband issue. A distant memory of buttonholes that were too small comes to mind. At any rate, I mailed Baby Kate another present and promised myself to rework the buttonhole band in hopes of getting this sweater to her before she outgrew it.

Kate's Baby Dale almost crossed the finish line this afternoon! Almost? Have you noticed the cute little flower buttons I sewed on? One....two.....three.....four.....five...... WHERE IS NUMBER SIX? In her months of hibernating in the basket the sixth button has walked away and cannot be found.

Do you see the teensy button at the top of this sweater? It is temporarily holding button #6's place in line. I'm off on a button hunt............................... and if the missing culprit cannot be found then I will venture out to the fabric store in hope that they will still have some of these buttons left. Now, if only I could remember which fabric store I got them at......................