
Nana's Saxon Braid Scarf

As the St. Brigid Sweater startdate looms around the corner, I decided I needed to practice that Saxon Braid. And so here you have Nana's Saxon Braid Scarf in all her brilliant Christmas red. At my mom's request, I am making her a "Christmas Scarf". This Saxon Braid Scarf is actually the one that is on the front cover of Nicky Epstein's book, Knitting On the Edge. If it looks a bit lopsided, that is because the five knit stitches on the edge will be unraveled at the end to make long looped fringe. Unraveled? Yep. Scares me, too!

The yarn I'm using is Debbie Bliss' Chunky Cashmerino and it is very, very nice. In fact, I'm wishing I had splurged and bought some for my St. Brigid Sweater. This will be your last glimpse of Nana's Saxon Braid Scarf until it is wrapped around her sweet little neck December 25th.