
Knit From Your Stash 2007

I read about Wendy's challenge on Terri's blog this morning and I am seriously thinking about participating. I have sooooooooo many projects that I've purchased yarn for and have not yet started. What is it about this obsessiveness we knitters seem to share, this always seeing a new project we must knit and then, before we even start it, seeing ANOTHER project we must knit?

I haven't quite made up my mind about this challenge yet. I think it is one of those decisions that you must totally be convinced of before you can achieve it -- like an addict of some sort. Yes, I've admitted it. I'm an addict.

If I sit down and take a serious look at my stash and then make a list of all the projects I could knit betweeen January and September 2007, I think I will have more than enough to keep me busy. And, it would be wonderfully refreshing to use that stash. And, I am probably going to be astonished to discover that I have more than enough stash for the challenge. In fact, I will probably discover I have enough for two years worth of knitting, maybe even THREE years worth. Have I convinced myself yet? When you see the button on my sidebar you will know I have accepted the challenge.