
Pirate's Bounty - Tea Swap 2 Package

She may "pillage for yarn", but she gave me the bounty!

Look at what my wonderful Tea Swap Pal, Rainy, sent from California:

I am still trying to figure out how Rainy knew that PG Tips is my favorite tea. I never got around to posting my tea stash like I was supposed to. She sent some lovely Lisa Souza yarn, which is already wound into two balls of yarn for my next pair of socks. It is yummy and is called "Wild Thing", a little pun on my last name no doubt. Or, possibly a little pun on Rainy's pirate tendencies. The French milled Green-Tea soap smells fabulous and the scent permeates through the master bath and bedroom. And, now I am addicted to these yummy Chimes Ginger Chews. All in all, the bounty was wonderful!

Thanks, Rainy! You lusty wench! You yarn pirate, you! Yaaarrr ................................